General Category > General Discussion

What happened at the AGM

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John D Smith:
Now I understand the initial posting by John BHT I didn't Realise the winner was Bryan  (Dragonfly) Well done Bryan. Regards John

Mark Sanger:

--- Quote from: Doug Barratt on March 17, 2013, 08:48:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mark Sanger on March 17, 2013, 08:27:54 PM ---what AGM ?

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---

ah thank you. I tend not to keep up to date so thanks.

well done Bryan, I know I can't help you with your woodturning but if you need help with your winnings just let me know :P
John BHT

Bryan Milham:
Okay, okay.

I did not want to post this yet, but as it's now seen, I've put it into the gallery.

Bryan Milham:
See that big orange box I'm holding - it's 10 year old Glenmorangie Whisky.


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