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Apple logs

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Attached is a photo of an apple log. I acquired 5 like this today, out of the blue. They were cut this morning, I have put them each into a polybag for the moment to stop them drying too fast. Suggestions please as to what to make and how to dry. I was thinking of cutting one along the length through the pith to make a couple of bowls. They are all about 11 inch diameter and 9 inches high. Thanks. Malcolm.

Bryan Milham:
Woody is the Log expert!

C'mon 'Woody The Log'....  ;)

What would YOU do?

All fruit wood is best part turned wet to about 1" even thickness all over make a note of its weight and store it in a plastic bag full of shavings in a cool shady place till the weight is stable then return to the lathe and finish if you want to try drying logs they are best split and over 4 ft long and seal the ends but there are no guarantees there is always the chance it may split then you have a design challenger good luck

Thanks Woody...

I have a follow on question please.

Turning green to 1" thickness and then storing...

I have horrendous trouble remounting a piece that I have taken off the lathe and then decided to try and sort out a problem within 30 minutes of it coming off the lathe.

How on earth do you remount a piece that has been drying for weeks/months/years?


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