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New to the forum

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Thats great Andy.
Thanks very much, only 4 miles from me  ;D


4 miles? About as far as ash shavings travel in a force 5, I think you will find. Welcome to both the forum and a new addiction,

Keith, Welcome to the forum and turning,  I'm with Mid-Staffs myself, a great club, you'll be welcome there, also if local to me contact me if I can help, it just may get me into the workshop...     ???..


Hi David,
Hopefully I will make it to the club this friday to see what goes on.
Thanks for your kind offer, I may well take you up on that.



--- Quote from: myatt1972 on March 28, 2011, 11:58:29 PM ---Hi David,
Hopefully I will make it to the club this friday to see what goes on.
Thanks for your kind offer, I may well take you up on that.


--- End quote ---

Keith,  Glad you mentioned it's this friday, so early in the month and friday always catches me out and this the 1st April already... Time is passing fast..
Should be a good night with Paul Hannaby, will have to try not to miss this one, if all's well may meet, then I still know few members as it is..    ??? only joined the beginning of the year myself, having done the pre-three visits over the past year.
The offer's there should you need some free help, if only a check over on basics or take the guess work out of extra kit, all it needs is a nice day to put the non WT things out to have room.
Take care and happy making shaving..    :D..         David


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