General Category > General Discussion

Wood Identification

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Les Symonds:
To be honest, there simply isn't enough information to make a reasoned assessment of what wood this is. The best guess, and I stress guess, is that this is a coniferous tree, most likely a spruce, but possibly a cypress. My reason for this assessment is threefold, firstly the growth rings, which are widely spaced indicating a fast-growing softwood, secondly the cluster of knots on the same horizontal plane across the end-grain, indicating annual growth of side-shoots (which eventually become branches), which is again typical of fast-growing coniferous trees in a temperate climate, and thirdly the bark platelets, which cry out 'Spruce or Cypress' to me.
Whatever coniferous species it is, accurate identification would require rather more information than we've got here. speculation is simple, but the lumber that this trunk can provide is not going to be of any great value.

   ....and that's just an opinion!


The growth rings look very wide to me so would go with some sort of pine.

Well this will help, my mother just told me that it was originally a Christmas tree with roots, so it did very well really  8)

Bryan Milham:
How old it it? - count the rings.


--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on April 08, 2013, 04:17:16 PM ---How old it it? - count the rings.

--- End quote ---

From the picture is that about 17-18 rings ...   ??? ...  Then age ..


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