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Wear that face protection!!!


Was turning a 14-16 inch piece of wet ash last night when a large piece of bark flew off and hit me in the face, or at least it would have done if I wasn't wearing my 3m versaflow mask, I later weighed the piece of bark and it weighed in at 3/4 of a pound, it could have easily broken my nose or taken my eye out if I wasn't wearing protection, it scared me half to death when it hit but the face shield absorbed 9/10 of the force, after I recovered I thought for sure the versaflow mask would be badly scratched but to my joy I found there was no mark whatsoever, so thought I would just post a little reminder to you guys to wear those face shields, they really do there job well and they are much cheaper than a new eye!!! (and please remember to use lung protection when dealing with dry wood, lungs ain't cheap either!!!)

Be safe people !!!

Bryan Milham:
Ouch, that could have been nasty, but glad to hear that you're okay.

An example in practicefor us all, protection all of the time is needed, because our crystal ball has flat batteries!


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