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The Ashley Iles Unichaser has now been available for about two and a half years. One advantage is the low cost, but I am curious to know how turners are getting on with it. Like all chasers it needs practice to achieve consistent results, but what have been your experiences? Every one who has been to me to learn has succeeded in doing threads, but how simple have you found it to use by simply watching the DVD?

Dave Atkinson:
Hello John

I found it a bit awkward at first as I was used to using two chasers.  But as with everything it just needs a little practice.  I have been showing a few people how to use them at my demos. 

Cheers Dave

 We bought one for the club so I reviewed it for our magazine. We did not have a DVD but after a bit of practice I was able to produce some threads. I already had some traditional chasers and I prefer them to the Unichaser as they are more versatile. I will e-mail you a copy of the article.


Doug Barratt:
I found the uni-chaser fairly straight forward to use.

This was my first attempt with it, a practice piece as i`m new to thread turning.

I had bought the chaser from John Berkeley when he demo`d at my local club & so far i`m impressed with it.


John D Smith:
Hi I bought a Unichaser at at a Demo at our Club by John Berkeley I have so far found it more difficult to use than the older type
so more practice needed perhaps I should have a look at the DVD. Regards John


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