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Newbie best way to get rid Of end grain tear Out after Turning A bowl

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hello Bill,
            although I support George's reply fully, I think your problem is you are rubbing the bevel during the cut,you may have your tool ground at the wrong angle to achieve this on this design of bowl. Bevel rubbing is very important.
John BHT

As you know Bill I have made 100s of these bowls they are just a another discipline to learn well done you for trying it is very nice Bill just one small thing I can see tool marks on the bottom of the bowl it just needs a little bit more work sheer scraping is one way to get rid of the tool marks but I know its to late now as you have sold it keep em coming mate well done mind that hand


--- Quote from: George Foweraker on April 20, 2013, 04:57:41 PM ---Sold it with tool marks in it .
It is no wonder woodturning is looked down on in this country


--- End quote ---
Thank You For your comment and bestowing confidence in my work also making me think it was worthwhile to pay £16 pounds at Yandles show to join the AWGB to gain some worthwhile encouragement and learn to further my hobby without being shot to bits at the first hurdle .Not everybody or everything is perfect in this life. after such a long time without turning due to surgery on my left hand of which im struggling with now personally I thought it was a effort for critism not for butchery .

This can go on forever but I will point out that if you can honestly tell me you have either thrown your first turnings on your wood burner or never accepted any kind of donation gift money for anything that is never 100% PERFECTION then I don't think your on the same planet as myself .
The amount I was given for this bowl covered the cost of the blank I used  to me that is a cost effective method of keeping my hobby going im no professional turner and I don't think I ever will be but I do try my best I think on my part the matter is closed .
im  retired and enjoying what im doing you must be a professional turner or you wouldn't be bothered in the fact I sold the said item its not real completion on your part im not stealing your business.
Lets put this to bed act like adults and beg to differ on opinions please  ;)

You are really getting me at The Point Of Blowing a gasket and leaving this forum I have requested in my last post to leave it at a point of stale mate now you persist on carrying it on .
I'm in no position to pay out for tuition unfortunately because of the fact I served in countries abroad in conflicts to keep rich people in social comforts that can afford such luxuries ,where veterans  don't your a lucky man ,im not im asking you again lets leave it at a difference of opinion if I can fund my hobby in any way I will. it does not give you the right to put me down for it


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