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Black stain/ebonising

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Les Symonds:
I've noticed several references to and photos of black stained work in this forum, but have never tried it myself. At the moment I'm a bit confused as to what direction to go in. Would anyone out there care to remark on what type/s of stains and colours they use, and what the relative benefits are?
Cheers guys...Les

Basically there are two types of stain, spirit based and water based. IME both work equally as well. They work on most woods and are usually applied carefully with a brush. Some woods such as ash and oak will soak the stain up in different strengths across the grain pattern showing the grain through in a way that can be attractive. They can be mixed and blended as well. To stop them seeping and kept in a specific area simply cut the grain with the point of a skew and the stain will be contained.
For oak an alternative for 'ebonising' is to use a home made brew consisting of either lemon juice or vinegar with some wire wool left to soak in it. The ferric content of the mixture can then be painted onto the oak with immediate effect of the wood blackening. This may work on some other woods but I don't know of any personally.
Note that if simply painting and you don't like the effect you can sand or turn it off wheres stain will soak into the wood and is not so easily removed so it is always a good idea to test the effect on a scrap piece of the same wood as it will look different on different woods


Bryan Milham:
For small items i.e. small finials or an applied foot, I have also used black Japlac (

It gives a very high gloss and smooth finish.

Les Symonds:
Thanks for that, Pete/Bryan.

Bryan....what do you use to prime the surface? Can the enamel go over cellulose sanding sealer

Hi Les.
         something else you might like to try is India ink. The black is very effective as is the blue/black but the blue on it's own is c**p.
John BHT


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