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top places to see woodturning ?

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I will not be turning much more now that better weather is here ( turning is mostly a winter thing for me ) but I get about a lot in the summer and would really like to see good work on display/sale and was wondering where any of you would recommend I try, are there many galleries that regularly stock work of top UK and /or  international turners eg Stiuart Mortimer , Ray Key ,Nick Agar etc      Terry......

Bryan Milham:

although it's pricing itself out of the market these days (Marque costs are exorbitant) I can recommend the Festival of the Tree or Treefest at Westonbirt National Arboretum over the August Bank Holiday.

The seminar gallery at Luffbra in August.

Bryan Milham:
Which raises a question on the AWGB Touring Gallery.

Is there a programme of events published of where it will be on display?

Or am I not looking somewhere I should and this question will result in my blushes?

Les Symonds:
hi a new member of this forum, I'm not familiar with the AWGB Touring Gallery. I'm guessing that there has, in the past, been a collection of members' work going around different venues. It would be great if that was the case this year as I'd love to see the work of you guys, close up.


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