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I hope I'm getting this right!

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Les Symonds:
I've never done this before, so please, please shout at me if I'm getting it wrong.

here goes....I've cut up all the holly, ash and other bits that I got last week, into pieces big enough for 1 or 2 bowls each. I'm slowly taking individual pieces and coating the end grain in wax...lots of it! I'm also coating any serious knots on the surface and the last inch or so of each side.

There's also a load of logs of various age, which I'm happy to forget about for a couple of years, so they're getting the ends coated and will be put away in an open-sided shed.

Finally, there's the batch that I've yet to get around to. for now, they're sitting on a water feature being hosed down every day and covered with a tarp. I take a few pieces in-doors each evening and coat all the ends etc.

I do hope that this process will save much of the timber, but if anyone knows of anything I'm doing wrong, or anything extra that I can do....please say!

cheers, guys...Les

Bryan Milham:

your main problem is too much good timber.

I suggest you share it around a little, we don't mind helping you out with it - honest!

Les Symonds:
Bryan....I'd happily share it around a bit if you were all a bit closer. I really appreciate all the advise and guidance that you guys have offered me and I'm really concerned that some of this wood will go to waste because I'm not up to working with it would make more sense to share it than waste it, but I dread to think what it would cost to stick it in the post!

Bryan Milham:

my first answer was a little glib.

To offer a better one.

Keep the branches and a any logs in as long a section as possible. That way if they crack you should be able to cut back to 'good'wood'.

The stuff you've cut up and waxed, don't stack too closely. Air needs to be able to circulate to let any moisture escape and not build up.

With both, a cool area is a good idea.

Is this a cache you got from a deceased turner or have I got the wrong one? If it is most of it is likely to be pretty much seasoned.



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