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Has anyone turned owls. I often do mice, pigs and recently penguins but now been asked for owls. I presume I will need to carve the face since the beak is very flat to it but would be grateful for any help.

Les Symonds:
Hi there...interesting question..I noticed this in Google images...

.... the owls don't seem to have much turning done to them (just the base) but I'm sure that if you're resourceful, you could do something about that!
Maybe you could mount them slightly off centre, with the drive forward of centre (towards the beak), which would enable the back and sides to be rounded out, but keep the beak shape on the head....must be worth having a go!

Hope it's useful....Les

Bryan Milham:
Strange you should ask. I posted the (Not so angry) Birds thread.

If you follow the link - and then to the makers page, you'll get here (, and he does an Owl.

I saw these returned owls before and discovered he charges (I almost said gets but I don't know if he manages to sell any) £60.00 each for them. I don't think that would go down vwry well at a craft fair.

Here is what I managed as a first attempt.

And here are the penguins I was asked for previously.


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