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Hi Andy,
My Wifes laptop has Firefox and is working OK.
At the moment my PC is dead, while trying to load Flash player I had a problem - ActiveX, While loading this I picked up a virus which is killing all .exe files.


I use Google Chrome, no problems


Have got on OK now,  the page it went to yesterday read 'I could only re-cover my password by entering my E-mail, tick a box for a security question and reply to it'..   so who was it going too or what would the question have been..  almost like I was being hacked..   ??? ...  if you forget the password it's a different setup to get a new one, than that, is it not.

Cheers for looking into it and sorry if it's taken up your time Andy.         David

Andy Coates:
If it looked like this then it is the board software's response to an incorrect password after three attempts..


Big sorry Andy,  that was the page which came up...   :-[ .....     But it came up first off and I've not known as to I've used the wrong password at all, it's always set automatically, I chose how long I'll be on and enter.

Could it be I logout, but keep the page open, as this is the wife's note book, an I've not got it bookmarked on here to pull it up.



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