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Chip and PIN machines

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It will be interesting as to just how soon it will be before transactions can be carried out on your mobile phone, if as already you can use the internet with one...

Sign of the times, as to money disappearing and numbers on a screen, what with BAC'S and Electronic transfers etc..    it may not be down to a card, if that or even just a number....  to buy or sell   ???....

Not one of the Nations can back what you spend..   well maybe the Oil rich world..

Paul Hannaby:
There have been credit card services using mobile phones for quite a few years but from what I recall, they weren't a great deal cheaper than the chip & pin machines.

makes sense, my phone already has a barcode scanner application in it, where it scans the code then looks it up on the internet for best prices.

Tony Walton:

--- Quote from: Colin on May 26, 2011, 06:48:55 AM ---An alternative that I use is get friendly with a business that has one of these machines and come to an arrangement. I am lucky my sister has one with her business and I just ring her and she does a cardholder not present transaction for me and we sort the money out later. Cheaper for me and no real cost to her.

--- End quote ---

I have credit card processing facilities and would like to point out that the above action is illegal as it is classified as money laundering and a merchant can only process card transactions in relation to the business it was registered for.
I have been asked a number of times by other craft fair vendors if I can put a card transaction through my terminal for them and have and will always refuse.
If you do decide process transactions for others remember that if the customer is not happy with the purchase and disputes the transaction a charge reversal can be applied and the terminal holder is left holding the bill.

Bryan Milham:
I don't know how it works but a member of our club has a PayPal account he can use over his mobile phone and when we do large shows we are able to take payment from customers via them paying him (and he later pays our treasure of course).

Has anyone else got any details on how this works?

Might be worth looking into as an alternative method.


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