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The new workshop....

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Keith, like your midi system...      ;D ...    8) ....  will shout the next time see you..


Hmmmm. P.A. system.... no way. yep it's a detached workshop but I don't need it that loud. I'd still like to hear the birds etc.

good thought though lol.


I am now officially cheesed off.

Today, I took delivery of more timbers to finish the job where the order was placed wednesday.

Arrived at 11 AM instead of first thing in the morning as requested. so there was part of the morning wasted. The wagon driver was completely insolent and derogatory to my loss of sight..

the timber was dropped onto the driveway ready to move into the workshop.

Well what comes next will get on other folk's clacks as it has mine.

The quality of the wood is below standard in fact about 20 pieces were badly marked with footprints of all things, chips or chunks in certain pieces missing, large cracks to about 25% of the length of some of the planks, sap still leaking (still wet) and to top it all off, I'd gone through the last of the timber from the previous order to find more of the same. I have to deal with this problem on monday and I tell you this, this company isn't going to like it.

We've been customers and valued clients of this said company for over 50+ years with trade accounts as a family of joiners, builders and specialists. I'm the last in the line now of tradesmen in the family so keeping the line so to speak.

I don't want to have to close a major account with the company but if they can't manage their yard, their staff and the way they deal with customer's requirements then this is the way of it.

I've started the first 2 sections of roofing this morning and further tweaks so that's progress. Due to heavy rain from about 4:30 this afternoon, I've been hard at work loading these materials by hand on my own and I tell you my back's killing me. I give in.

So this weekend is hopefully (weather dependent) going to be the finish point of the job. It may extend into the first 2 days of next week. Photos will appear when the job's finished. Sorry there's no before and after shots. Mum who usually handles photography work for some of the jobs, projects, etc has been battling cancer since Christmas. She's OK and doing fine but it's tiring her out recovering from radiotherapy. she's been keeping me company which is a good thing.

anyway I hope all are well and having fun. Keep you posted and fingers crossed all will be better.


John D Smith:
Hi Lew, I have followed your thread with interest I look forward to seeing the photographs of your workshop I am sure it will be satisfying when you have finished even against all the problems you have had. Good Luck to you.Regards John

NEWS FLASH (Fellow standing with coat and news paper)

Today the roofing has been strengthened and 2nd clad. another 600 screws used lol.

tomorrow, weather dependent is the flooring.

monday, do battle with the supplier re wood,

tuesday.... final finish work and carpeting.

fingers crossed this should all go smoothly.

The gerbils are rather puzzled. they're used to ultimate screws, not the  rubbish I'm using now. one gerbil has decided to enter the screws bin and try to build a house out of screws... a difficult job I know.

anyway I'm in for the evening. a soar back, ankles and left hand worn by gripping and guiding screws.

have fun all.



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