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The new workshop....

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Ladies and gentlemen. At last, the breakthrough.

I finally laid the carpet and underlay today, everything else is just finished but I've a few fine tuning bits to do.

the lathe is being ordered in the morning.

Well...... Here's something to interest you. This is what happened yesterday.

I was undrtaking the fine finish process yesterday which involved a sander and dust extractor running on and off for most of the day sanding the walls, ceilings, doors, etc.

Before I go further, The incident in question involves a next door neighbour who takes great delight in spying on myself and family (I've been made aware of his spying on myself  by mum), his abusive threats, bullying techniques, etc. Now the chap in question is over 70 and thinks he owns our home, my workshop and my job lists. you know the type....

What follows will amaze and shock you. All of yesterday, stones were thrown at my workshop, bouncing off the walls and nearly breaking windows, then a torrent of abuse, about an hour or so later he comes onto the property to find my dad towering over him. This guy is hurling abuse at me and targeting  my disability, etc. Dad advises him to leave or police will become involved.

This continues.

8PM last night, two of North Wales's finest arrive ringing the door. At this point, we're all settling in for the night and trying to eat. They wanted to find out what was going on and demanded to see my workshop.

Now the workshop is empty, give or take my cordless gear, a sander, the extractor and a small radio  while my hifi is stored out of the way for protection. Now luckily one of the officers knows me and we got chatting and resolving the issue which turns out this total plank is moaning about noise. No such thing. the workshop is acoustically insulated, so you don't hear anything other than the odd hum. He told officers I was using a grinder, drills, a bandsaw, etc.

The bandsaw was sold a while back as I'm in the process of replacing it with something better, I don't use angle grinders, etc as I can't stand them. So this guy's basically manure stirring.

The two officers are more than happy with us and the officer who was spending time with me in the workshop to get a feel for things, was amazed. he asked for  a replication of the sound levels, so I did so. He said "That's nothing to us lot."

Turns out the copper was a former joiner himself.

anyway that was last night ruined. mum upset when she's supposed to be resting as the radiotherapy is taking it out of her.

So today's gone well.

more to come. new photos up this week. Cant wait? well I'm sorry you'll have to.

but here's a hint.....

Ever heard of the swedish Chef?

WELL....... Here's a Swedish SHED! lol with room for gerbil powered lathe.



Oh NO...  Not the end in sight...  What shall we have to read..  now..    ;D ...   Well done on keeping us up to date..   Lathe later today..

Take care.             David

Ahhhhhhhh. a huge sigh of relief. The lathe has just arrived. wow, it's a brute, huge as heck and weighs over 1/2 ton. what a little beauty. Can't wait to get it up and running..

I need to phone Brimarc in the morning to ask for electrical advice as the main cable is way too short to my main supply. So I need to install a long cable and possibly a floor cable cover to protect myself from a trip hazard.

I can't believe it's finally here.

Here's something which will make you laugh.

I received a call this afternoon as promised from the driver to let me know he was on the way, however he was stuck on a 1 way road where some total plank parked a car and blocked off the road causing 30+ cars behind the wagon. it had to be towed.

anyway..... this gets even better.

The axminster wagon arrived at 6PM and I was greeted by what I can only sound wise describe as a hobbit from somewhere called..... Devon? with the words...... "Got a parcel for you. Tis you isn't it?"

This had me amused and then the unloading of the lathe and another box begun. it took both of us to move the lathe off the ramp onto the pavement as this particular road slopes both sides by quite a degree. kind of like pushing wombles around.

We now had 3 pain in the neck bully boy neighbours watching us including the barn pot next door going from the front drive on his property to the back garden, on his step ladder nosing in. Now mum bless her is pretty much like a cheesed off German shepherd when certain people push her buttons. and out of nowhere, mum put this total barn pot in his place as well as the other neighbour making a nuissance of herself.

oh well, I'm the talk of the street. who cares. certainly not me.

The hobbit and I were wheeling this massive box crate down the drive and positioning it to the loading door of the workshop. From there, let's just say the challenge was moving the lathe bearing in mind there's a fully carpeted workshop. So a huge slab of MDF (sacrificial board) went down for both legs to slide. I did warn him I was blind and he didn't seem to understand until he sent the lathe a little too far and I asked him to stop while I check the distances by feel. I told him it needs to move back 18in and he was puzzled. I said to him "I did warn you I have no sight at all and here I am putting my back into the lathe, trying to feel my way around and pull / push this."

anyway, it's now in, about to be set up and the hobbit is on his merry way somewhere else. probably back to that place called.... Devon?

anywho I've things to do and tomorrow is lathe setup day.

take care all.


Ladies and Gentlemen. I bring you news of much joy.

I hereby inform all that the workshop officially shall open from Monday of this week.

Photos will be posted tomorrow night.


Wot no pictures A waste of time.



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