General Category > General Discussion

Help Needed Urgently

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Andy Coates:
Hello all,

I've just updated the software (WITHOUT LOSING THE FORUM!!!) and now need to add a few software mods to make us more secure and spammer free...

one of the problems is that BOTS are trying to scan passwords of genuine users and this results in a MOUNTAIN of error reports in the system log....


have any of the following users logged in with an incorrect password today?

Dave Atkinson
Blind Woodturner
Ken Rogers
Tim Davies
Mark Sanger

If not the BOTS are scanning you username and using software to guess your passwords....and if sucessful may post c^&% using your account....

change your passoword to a more difficult one....letters numbers, and if you take it a symbol....IE: 72rabbit@~

more later


Dave Atkinson:
done mine - just hope I can remember it!! ::)

Hi andy. time to kick these spammers where it hurts. if you need a mod who's pretty much active on here most of the day, give me a shout. I'm online most of the day

will change password now.


Sorted. These spammers have nothing better to do than affect the quality of our lives. SPAMMERS.... why don't you take your dodgy sales, your new miracle cures, your dial a brides, sex changes and badly worded emails, comments and more and KINDLY insert them.... Firmly and unreservedly in a place only known to your posteria.

sorry folks. this has blown my stack.

Andy Coates:
software updated and two anti-spam modifications made to the software...

this should stop all new attempts to register and post 5h1t on our forum


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