Author Topic: What a great weekend we had!  (Read 2836 times)

Offline Dave Atkinson

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What a great weekend we had!
« on: June 20, 2011, 07:09:57 PM »
Hello all

Over the weekend 17/18 June our club – Cheshire Guild of Woodturners – attended a “wood weekend” at Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, Cheshire>  This is a old cotton mill part of which are still in working order and  it’s run by the National Trust.

This was the first event of its type run at the mill and is part of the NT strategy of “engaging with stakeholders”.  We had a great time.  The ranger at the mill wanted a hands on event and that is exactly what we did.  We took two lathes and our friends at High Peak took a pole lathe.

We never stopped on either day.  Yesterday was the busiest and between two of us on the electric lathes I think we  must have had 10 to 15 “pupils” each.  Boys and girls aged 6 to 60+ had a go turning mushrooms, apples, spinning tops and a wand!  We didn’t charge but we were able to sell some of our work.

This is a great way to get the wider public involved in woodturning and I'm sure we have inspired some to have a go again or come to our meetings.

If your club is doing an event I’d encourage you to provide a “have a go” lathe.

If you belong to an AWGB Branch or a club that's part of the NFWG then you are insured, otherwise check with your provider first.

AWGB Affiliated Branches and Associated Clubs can find more guidance in the handbook about hands on events.  I wrote this and on reflection I think the bit about keeping a list of names and addresses is unnecessary and frankly there isn't time!   Each pupil did get a bit about safety and teh safety advice was on display.

Other tips – make sure the “teachers” are competent turners who are able to pass on their skills (and help as and when necessary), make sure you have easy wood to turn and simple things to make.

Other stalls at the event included the Old Tool Shop, a chap making trugs, another showing Norwegian candles, someone with a chainsaw and someone displaying optics.  I didn’t manage to look round as we literally didn’t stop.  On Sunday we didn’t even get a lunch break – demand was non stop.

If you want any more info send me a PM.

Go on – give it a go!

Cheers Dave