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pewter metal

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thank you all  there some great info  there   i have been looking trow it all   and will be trying this in a few weeks  going to order me that book first 

 I was fortunate enough to attend an AWGB workshop with Simon Hope earlier this year when the topic was the use of pewter in turning.
 Health and Safety was an important part of this workshop as you are dealing with a hot molton metal. Pewter melts at a relatively low temperature of 240 degrees C but even this temperature will cause severe burns if it gets on you. I use a small gas powered camping stove and an old saucepan to melt the pewter and it should be heated to melting point only, not hotter.
 I have cast pewter into spigoted wooden moulds for turning before fitting to the wood (see the foot on the item I posted in the gallery a while ago) and have also cast it directly into a prepared recess in the work and machined it in situe (to be posted soon). Because the pewter contracts as it cools you beed to run CA glue into the joint interface to hold it in place for turning.
 It is vitally important that the wood is very dry because the heat of the pewter will cause any moisture to boil off violently. Hand and face protection are essential.
 I would stronly recommend that you see Simon Hope demonstrating, if you are anywhere near he is in Norwich on June 16th.
                Take care,   Barry

hi there barry  thank you so much  i have a camping stove and sauce pan  (i have been melting lead for fishing whigts  for the last few years  it does seem very  much the same process as i have to do with the melting of lead    thank you for getting in touch with me   the info you have given me is great   i wish i could get up to  norwich but its a bit far for me such a shame

--- Quote from: BarryMobbs on June 23, 2011, 07:45:44 PM ---Hello,
 I was fortunate enough to attend an AWGB workshop with Simon Hope earlier this year when the topic was the use of pewter in turning.
 Health and Safety was an important part of this workshop as you are dealing with a hot molton metal. Pewter melts at a relatively low temperature of 240 degrees C but even this temperature will cause severe burns if it gets on you. I use a small gas powered camping stove and an old saucepan to melt the pewter and it should be heated to melting point only, not hotter.
 I have cast pewter into spigoted wooden moulds for turning before fitting to the wood (see the foot on the item I posted in the gallery a while ago) and have also cast it directly into a prepared recess in the work and machined it in situe (to be posted soon). Because the pewter contracts as it cools you beed to run CA glue into the joint interface to hold it in place for turning.
 It is vitally important that the wood is very dry because the heat of the pewter will cause any moisture to boil off violently. Hand and face protection are essential.
 I would stronly recommend that you see Simon Hope demonstrating, if you are anywhere near he is in Norwich on June 16th.
                Take care,   Barry

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