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Purchasing from the USA

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John D Smith:
David H,I was not complaining about the Vat as I know you have to pay this, and yes without trying to get into a political discussion on this Forum it was the Royal Mails Handling charge I think is a Rip Off.Regards John

Paul Hannaby:
Hi John,
What doesn't seem to add up here is that the HMRC website is saying they will waive any fees under £9 but you are being charged £3.70 and are then charged another £8 for collecting it! Maybe a phone call to the HMRC is called for?

John D Smith:
Hello Paul,the page I have just looked at via the link on your previous posting said if the value of goods is over £18 then you are liable to pay VAT.The £8 was for the Royal Mail for handling charge,the do not attempt to deliver the goods because their Postmen
are not allowed to handle cash all they do is to deliver a card telling you to pay on line or go and collect and pay up.Regards John

Paul Hannaby:
Hi John,
On the same page it also says this -

Note that on all goods from outside the EU, Customs Duty is waived if the amount of duty calculated is £9 or under.

hi ya all  i have found in the passed if you can get the person/compaye to send items to you as a GIFT then you can bypass the vat and bits  has worked well for me and a few other friends i know 
hope this may help for next time


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