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Hollowing tool recommendations please.

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lol I know. it's my way of speaking. coming from a family of engineers, builders and joiners, conversations get technical lol.

As good as the though of a complete rig is, I would be happier with the tool system itself.

Just waiting on contact with a chap at Crown tools.

been busy painting fence panels today. will finish tomorrow or thursday at the latest. having to replace panels for security and privacy.

so just catching up on things.


john taylor:
If you are interested in the crown system, which has had a lot of good reviews, I would suggest getting in touch with Mark Sanger;u=56 as he is a pro turner and not only uses them himself but also sells them.


Cheers John. that sounds good to me.


I have several some home made and some I have bought.

 The main purchased ones have been Rolly Munro and Proforme. Both work very well, although due to the guard over both of them there is always some degree of clogging and much of this depends on what your turning. Both fair well on green timber. But the Proforme really excells at bulk removal especially on green timber, but it can have attendancy to self feed.

The Munro is a very easy tool to use and if its tend to clog allot its often due to the Guard being closed up to much.This is a common fault with many turners including myself until I realized what I was doing...didnt really pay much attention to the instructions. :)

There are the Oland type of hollower and these are easily made by the average turner and I confess I have several of these. Easy to make, easy to use, easy to sharpen and low cost as well.

Hi hughie,

welcome aboard. It's great to have a toolmaker's insight into things. nice one.

I now use a Crown Revolution hollowing system and love it to bits. I've tried a few others recently including the munro and the sorby and I have to say that the crown outperforms and gives extra flexibility for me.

I now officially endorse Crown turning tools and use the entire system for my turnings, both production work and dedicated projects.



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