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Workshop's going up at last

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Cheers Philip,  good to see it's coming a long to a steady pace.   Enjoy your Club nite, who are you with.

On wards and up wards...  well for the last of the shingles...    ;D ...    Tke care.


Philip Green:
I'm with two clubs. Tonight, it is Treknow Woodturners. Last night I went for a practical session with Cornwall Association of Woodturners. I started my competition piece for tonight and left it on their lathe. I missed their last club night at the end of June as I was visiting my son in Portsmouth but my entry into the competition was submitted for me. The competition was for miniature turning; that is something that will fit into a 35mm film can. My entry was a box within a box within a box and it got me my first win in the beginner's class.

The roof is almost completed.


Good to here the roof is finished, all's water tight.   I was with C.A.W. up until 2006..  so you've been under the watchful eye of Mike Hoskins, is he still running it all !!!!  how can one leave a piece behind..  then with the build you've a lot on your mind and you don't want to be locked in Wheal Jane for the night, that's a long run for you isn't it..  you should be off to Trenow Club at Bodmin before now, so hear from you again.

C.A.W's site is not up todate, so can't is your June TOTY winning piece...    ??? ...

Cheers for now.           David

Philip Green:
Mike is still our turning guru but I am receiving regular tuition from two of our instructors. The CAW web site is definitely out of date and the email link does not seem to work.

Surprisingly enough, it only takes thirty five minutes to reach Wheel Jane, fifteen minutes longer than it takes to get to Bodmin. Besides, the stress level of driving 25 miles in Cornwall is only about half of my old 7 mile drive to work in West London.

Anyway, back to business. The first photo is of the front of the completed workshop and the next two are the first glimpse of the inside.

The final photo is my competition entry.

Philip Green:
Today I managed to apply three coats on the floor and coated most of the front of the workshop with preservative. I felt like I should be a contortionist to get up under the eaves. I also bought the fittings for the toilet. The plumber and electrician are booked for Monday.

Jobs for tomorrow: finish the floor, start the wiring and do more of the outside. For the electrics, I am using trunking and individual wires which is a technique I have not used since I was an apprentice but it will be a lot tidier, easier and cheaper than the alternative twin and earth system.

The inside photo is a pretty good representation of the colour of the floor.


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