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Workshop's going up at last

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John D Smith:
Hi Philip, It has been very interesting following the construction of your new workshop it looks great good enough to live in, perhaps that's your plan I look forward to seeing the photos when it is fully equipped and finished.Regards John


Hi Philip,  John has the same idea as to it's a holiday let..    ;D ...   it's looking good, as is the floor..  I'd like to have my cable run done the same, it would be a space saver with trunking and as you've said cheaper...   when !!! we get round to it, see if can find a electrician that will do it..

That's not a bad time to Wheal Jane. given it's the back of beyond..  what do you go North Altantic Highway, A30, then through Truro and into no mans land.. those lanes..  an as for dark winter nites..   ??? ...   I once turned right at the entrance to go back to Penzance..  thinking it more direct to St Day/ Chasewater..  was it ***** ... not a sign..  any thing, don't know where I went or where I came out..  somewhere way the back of Redruth...  a right emmit...    :-[  ...    talking of emmits, they'd add to the journey time more into the summer ....   >:( ...   then Kernow such a gentle pace, slow, layed back, can almost is it stop..  it's good to see your getting the contractors in..  I found it would be Directly.. an if given wednesday..  be sure as to find out which month..   ;D ...  then that was penwith .. the twilight zone ..  I lived it and miss it ...   :'(  ...

That's a nice set of boxes, would have got my vote too ...  had the same contest maybe 2005, December .. of all the ideas, I came up with a christmas tree, about 1/2" high, should have had presents and lights plus a star, may of won then .. it's here somewhere ..   think Mike won with a table, wine bottle and 4 glasses ..

Well hoping you still have fine weather and see the next stage done soon.             David

now thats what i call a work shop  it looking great  cant wait to see it with all the tools in it

Philip Green:
The plumber's done his bit so I have a working toilet and water supply. I have a stand pipe on the end of the workshop for watering the garden so that's a bonus.

The wiring took much longer to do than I anticipated but I have finally completed it. It was hard work putting up the trunking but it was worth it as it is much neater than using twin & earth would have been. It still has to be connected to the mains supply and be tested but that's for another day.

Despite the wet and mud covering my nice new varnished floor, it has not proved to be at all slippery.

Work for the next week or so:-

* Weather permitting, tomorrow I will move a desk that is currently taking up space in our dining room into it's new home.
* The next big job is to put in the dust extraction system.
* If we have a few consecutive dry days, I will complete the outside.
* Once I have power, I will move my machinary in although much of it will live on the floor for now.


Philip,  Glad to hear your flushed with success so far with the build..   ;D ...  is that hot water too.

For the 3rd week in July the weather is xxxxxx ...  lets hope it will get better,   when I hear of Global Warming ...  they need hanging ..   :D ..
Oh ...  it's the Jet streams ..  taken them along time to come up with that load of xxxx ....

Wishing us all better weather and the best with the build ...  keep  :) .. 



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