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Turning Canary?

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I scrounged a log yesterday, from a builder clearing an overgrown garden. The parent plant had spiky leaves, rather like holly but only a quarter the size, and between them were purple berries somewhere between a pea and a grape in size. The most memorable, and probably recognisable, feature was the wood itself which was an unbelievably bright canary yellow when first exposed (it remains to be seen what colour it will eventually go now that I have started converting it to shavings). I can't find either the plant or its wood in either tree or timber books so wonder if it might be an overgrown shrub or some such. The trunk seems to have been about 8-10 feet tall and 3-4 inches in diameter. Anybody got any suggestions of what it might be please?
All the best

Hi Brian, what a find. that sounds good. You'll get a nice finish I dare say. For a minute when I heard this thread I thought someone wanted to turn a canary? lol. poor dizzy bird.


Just me being mischievous, Lew ;D

There's nothing like feeling the piece as it's spinning. There's certain woods that whilst green feel really silky and are great to work with. At the mo I'm on a mission to stock up on timbers ready for the launch.


John D Smith:
Hi Brian I had a similar experience myself the Tree/shrub is Mahonia (berberidaceae) if you have quite a lot of this seat the ends asap or use it, it splits in no time.Regards John


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