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Turning Canary?

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John, you get today's one-legged-goldfish award for the question I was expecting and most fearful of.
Writing I can do, posting I can do, piccies I can do. Posting, writing AND piccies sends this dino-saw into paroxisms (can I claim 10 extra points for word-of-the-day, Andy?) of fear.
I am now confident the tree/bush in quetion was/is Berberis but I've also been told the two are closely related.
PS Didn't we have Mike Mahonia over from Canadia for one of the seminars. If so how come he wasn't bright canary yellow under his smock? ;)

hey may have been preserved in cuprinol lol

Bryan Milham:
I've got to go with Berberis as well, having turned it myself, sometimes there are greenish sworls in the colour as well.

You've got to be lucky to get a bit big enough to do much with, I made a few pens from mine.

Andy Coates:
I turned a section today so you can compare it...

You can see that the cambrium layer is brighter, and the older wood lighter, maybe this confirms that the colour should last unlike say the oxidation red of Alder. However, all woods fades to brown eventually, especially in sunlight.

John D Smith:
Hi again Brian I thought I would follow Andy's lead and turn a piece of Mahonia also showing shavings you can compare an decide which you think it is Regards John


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