Author Topic: Coloured Vase  (Read 3601 times)

Offline woodndesign

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Coloured Vase
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:17:19 AM »

Well after some time working things out, a form was reached ..  the brief was coloured and greater than 8" tall Vase, so at 9 1/4" x 3 1/4" across the corners, this is what I came up with in Silver Birch, which is under the acrylic greenish/yellow/brown wash and the chestnut Microcrystalline Wax final finish, could not get the rainbow Spirit Stains at the time or in time ..


It does stand upright, it's the camera angle or len width which has made them look odd ...  I'll stick with that ...    ;D ..  I'll need to try better (all round) ..  any advice.

Cheers.         David
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"  By Dickens ''''

Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 09:42:10 PM »
I like this one certainly over the other Two.

I can appreciate the technical aspect of the turning of 'Primitive Form Too' but it and the first (Primitive Form) have so much paint on they look like they could be made of anything as there is no grain left to show the base material is wood.

I've noticed that a few turnings have become more 'painted items' than wooden forms - maybe it's just me but I try to work for the wood and the effect I can get out of the grain.
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Offline woodndesign

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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 11:05:49 PM »

Thanks for the comments, this was the final form and the outcome of my work, the other two are the results of my wife's take on what is required, in her thoughts, as to what it takes and the means to sell as an art form turned wood, she sees no market for it, the outlet which she considers is as you've called it a "painted item" levelled at a market in which there are buyers, maybe, hence Primitive Form has since been stripped and awaits the next idea.

Me ...  my workshop days look far off ...  till her next project ...  the wonders of SWMBO,  await future orders ..   ??? ...   :D ...
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"  By Dickens ''''


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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 08:27:56 AM »
awwww dave you poor thing lol.

what was your insight into making this piece. I don't know what this looks like, but  I'm guessing it's something abstract.

At the mo, I'm out of wood completely and need to find something A to drive me mad and B  to complete the review of the Crown Revolution Hollower system. I feel like sneking into a local park late one night and felling a large chestnut but the thing is between me and a friend with a logging saw, waking the neighbours, etc. a bit of a pain really.

I'd love to hear more about your piece.


Offline woodndesign

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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2011, 01:54:38 AM »

LOL...   ;D ...  Lewis at last I've time ...   ??? ...  and for your interest and others, it's four sided, turned parallel on multi-centre, on four plains with a 3/4" ( 3 quarter inch ) off set from centre, if this was the one which I did it too, I experimented with a few over a number of weeks, so which this is ..   ??? .. having got a straight cylinder, it was marked at the ends into the 4 quarters, on centre for the off set, these where then divided once again and using the tool rest on centre, a line drawn only along the cylinder, at each point, this would be the finished corner, as the sides are radius, would it be 1 1/2" (1 an half inches ) the whole side width is 3" ( 3 inches ) as it's 3 1/4" ( 3 an quarter ) across the corners.

The piece was 3" ( 3 inches ) over length, as the ends had to be left round for the off set for the drive I have, so at the required length for the piece I sized down to almost the marked lines for the corners, then roughted between the length sized and down to or out to the line, a little pre-sandiing before repeating for the next 3 off sets, once happy and having the details all equal it was to cut the chuck mounting, having check for grain pattern, if any ...  :( .. part off the opposite end, the cylinder which had been for the off set, now the top, mount in chuck and first drill, then open an deepen the inside, bowl gouge and RS 200KT, that done and finished, it was mounded on a friction drive with the tail centre for support and the bottom rought shaped, cylinder removed, then down to hand sanding, trying to keep the straight line corners, sides and end wall thickness equal, reduce the bottom, blend in the shape, having sanded, come up with the colours, finish and polish, remove tail stock and slightly hollow base and finish.  that's about it.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"  By Dickens ''''


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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2011, 08:43:30 AM »
Hey dave, I appreciate that insight. I understand your project lol at last hehehehe. When someone posts a project with photos, I often wonder what it looks like and feels like, so thank you for the interesting detail.

you mention supporting work between centres to create each side, are you using stebb centres or just normal drive and the multi centre?


Offline woodndesign

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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2011, 03:46:47 AM »
Sorry for delay,   Lewis,  I have always had and use 3/8" or 5/8" 4 spur drive and the Ax combined hollow cup with point revolving tail centre.
I did have thoughts as to getting both stebbs Live/tail in 7/8" for off centre work, as an when I get more active.

Cheers.           David
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,"  By Dickens ''''


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Re: Coloured Vase
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2011, 11:24:07 AM »
wow, nice one. sounds cool. I'm thinking of trying this out myself at some point, will let you know how it goes. it's an intriguing concept.
