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This year was my first seminar and I must take this opportunity to thank all the AWGB committee members for all there help and support over the weekend. If it was not for their compassion and endless help I would not have enjoyed what was a overwhelming inspiration packed event.

It was organised with such commitment to the cause, IE raising as much funds to encourage and nurture the turners of the future, and teach the turners of today how to gain more skills so we can in turn do our bit. You all deserve a big thank-you and A whole heap of respect.

Thanks again, Dave, the other chap on a scooter that could steer it. LOL :D :P

I'll second Dave's thanks and cheery words to the commitee but would question the thinking behind the barren 'Trader's Period' on the last day.As most of you will know that session has traditionally seen each trader take over one of the lecture theatres to demonstrate, and obviously try to sell, their latest goodies. This year the session had nothing at all going on. Surely all general purchases had been made during the previous two days so what was the point? This 'free period' was then, unfortunately, seen by some delegates as a suitable time to remove their work from the gallery in spite of it still being open to the public. What a shame this one hiatus was allowed to sour the otherwise superb seminar.
On a quite separate subject....Did anyone else think the food was a little below par this year? I was the very first to eat, one lunchtime, but still had the distinct feeling that the food had already spent a holiday in the warm cupboard.
Gotta go now and play with some gloopy resin before I forget how Maralyn did it.
PS     Please can we all wear tangerine next time....its the new black you know!

John D Smith:
Brian, I cannot remember traders each going to a separate theatre to demonstrate their wares,perhaps it was prior to me attending and I have been to three seminars 2007,2009,2011. I purchased items as the weekend went on when a had a moment to spare in a hectic schedule, it would be no good waiting to the end only to find out what you wanted was sold out.I also saw items demonstrated by the professionals that were on sale and bought a few.
I have said on a previous thread what a fantastic time I had,the only day I thought the food was mediocre was on the Friday evening and the Gala Dinner was a little late in starting I did hear someone say the time between courses was slow but I thought that was ok it gave us time to talk and get to know people,and the food was great.
                                                             Regards John 

Hi John
I was also at the seminars you mentioned, plus at least one more, and from memory I can recall going to presentations laid on by Sorby plus 2 by Phil Irons (one on his super new oval turning jig which seems to have disappeared without trace since!) and I am certain they would have been during the years you mentioned.
I reckon we ought to find either an independant arbitrator or hypnotist to settle the matter. What say you? ;D

John D Smith:
Hello Brian,Just because I cannot remember these presentations does not mean they didn't happen Senior moments and all that.

                                                                      Regards John


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