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Seminar questionnaire

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That's how I found out Les lol. 


I think question about the fee should have a yes / no box then ask what you would be willing to spend as another question.


There are actually two questions to that one, hence perhaps the confusion? Constructing surveys is never easy thoug, done a few and no matter how you try it is always close to impossible to ask the right questions in the right way Thanks to whoever put this one together though.


Paul Hannaby:
Thanks for the feedback, I have changed the validation on the price question so it allows both text and numbers so that should avoid the problem!

Unfortunately the survey appears to suffer a degree of confirmation bias.
In other words you're asking questions to get the answers you want, rather than gather the information you need to make good decisions.
There's also a couple of silly questions that don't give a good impression.
As examples;

"Do you use the internet ?"
What's the point of this on an online form ?

Why ask for what region people live in when you already asked for their address ?
It will be useful to you to specify the possible regions, rather than let people write unhelpful localisations.

"Would you be interested in a seminar over 2 or 3 days ?"
What you need to discover is if there's a demand for a daily event attendance or a market for an even longer event.

"Would you consider air travel ... ?"
Pointless question as all you really need to know is how far people are prepared to travel, not by what method.
It would be more useful to know if people would like any venue to be close to public transport (train/coach/airport) or expect free car parking.

Specifying a preferred month isn't much use. It needs, at least, the option for more than a single month. What you need to know is if any particular times of year are preferable or disadvantageous.
eg summer/winter/school holidays, some people might prefer a seminar to be anytime except holiday seasons.

"A three day event will cost........£250"
Given the losses this year, is it really wise to specify any sort of figure ?
What you need to know is how much people might be prepared to pay per day for an event.


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