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Seminar questionnaire

<< < (10/13) > >>

John D Smith:

 Hi PaulH,
              As I see it you have no understanding about the running of the AWGB and why would you not being a member you do not get all the

communications that members receive which are considerable.In fact I would go as far to say you know nothing about the constitution of the AWGB

or are even remotely interested. You just like sniping from the side lines.It is a good job all of the Trustees of the AWGB do not take your selfish

attitude "I am not working for Free"

I just hope all of the Members are not upset or put off giving their time by your comments I also put a lot of my time in to a branch of the AWGB

 I will now say this will be my last comments on this thread and quite frankly I think enough has been said. >:(


Just for future reference..... I am only 3 miles from the Toolpost and if asked I would be happy to man a small stand handing out leaflets.

Mark Hancock:
Just completed the questionnaire after reading through the posts above. Personally I can't see what all the fuss is about regarding the questions. Those questions to which a Yes or No didn't fully express my opinion I simply commented on in the box at the end.

Paul Hannaby:
That's what I like to see - someone applying some common sense! ;-)

Thanks Mark.

Mark Hancock:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on November 12, 2015, 01:17:33 PM ---That's what I like to see - someone applying some common sense! ;-)

Thanks Mark.

--- End quote ---

It's slowly been dying away but I think I have some left :)


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