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Revolutions Archive

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Paul Hannaby:
We have added an archive of old issues of the Revolutions newsletter to the website. At the moment the archive goes back to 2003. This may be expanded further.

Derwent Woodturning club:
Hi Paul,
I have just come across your posting that an archive of Revolutions has been created. Excellent idea! But that gives me another idea.

I am sure the cost of producing and mailing out copies of Revolutions to all AWGB members must be a significant financial load on the AWGB. How about making it an option for members to receive an electronic copy, or as I do with our club's newsletter, just send a reminder that the latest copy of Revolutions is available on the website?

I for one would actually prefer an electronic copy - easier to store, easy to access from anywhere in the world, and I can print off any pages I want to use in the workshop.

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: Derwent Woodturning club on December 06, 2015, 01:53:09 PM ---Hi Paul,
I have just come across your posting that an archive of Revolutions has been created. Excellent idea! But that gives me another idea.

I am sure the cost of producing and mailing out copies of Revolutions to all AWGB members must be a significant financial load on the AWGB. How about making it an option for members to receive an electronic copy, or as I do with our club's newsletter, just send a reminder that the latest copy of Revolutions is available on the website?

I for one would actually prefer an electronic copy - easier to store, easy to access from anywhere in the world, and I can print off any pages I want to use in the workshop.

--- End quote ---

I'd be 100% behind that suggestion, Paul. It's a system that we use at out club (Mid Wales Woodturners) and there are a few who opt out of the digital newsletter, but the great majority accept and embrace it, which is a major financial saving for the club.


I would also back this and would actually prefer an electronic version so I can blow it up big enough for me to read. ( doesn't work with PDF though )

Derwent Woodturning club:
Hi Graham,

--- Quote from: Graham on December 06, 2015, 03:34:13 PM ---I would also back this and would actually prefer an electronic version so I can blow it up big enough for me to read. ( doesn't work with PDF though )

--- End quote ---
I hadn't realised I would generate that quick feedback on my suggestion, but I notice in your comment that you say it doesn't work with PDF. I am a bit puzzled as Adobe's Acrobat reader should give you toolbar options to zoom in and out, and even choose selected scaling. Try Ctrl + to zoom in. I've just zoomed in to 6400% and each character fills the screen. Hope that helps.


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