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failed lottery bid

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Paul Hannaby:
Our club was also successful five years ago and our application concentrated on the community aspect and the need for presentation equipment for those with hearing or sight difficulties rather than the art/craft aspect. Perhaps the goalposts have now moved?

Hi all,
         many thanks for all your advice. We did push youth, the aged, the disabled and those with PTSD.
We emphasised our equal opportunities, youth training with the scouts and everything else we could think of.
 We failed because we"didn't meet one of the outcomes". On the form you were told how many yes's or no's were
required in certain questions, in the outcomes it said tick those that are relevant. The one we couldn't tick was "improved rural and urban environments-which communities are better able to access and enjoy"It did say we didn't have to tick all 4 boxes but we managed to tick 3. I took advice from our local adviser and was told it was one of the best bids she had seen and we still failed. Am I downhearted? You bet I b****y well am!!
     Statsman your comment about a governing body supporting an application is appreciated but as we are individual clubs that are only affiliated to the AWGB we don't in fact have a governing body and I think this is the right way to do it as each individual club then controls their own accounts, but an AWGB adviser would be a good idea, I might raise that at the next EC meeting.
       I am now chasing down various other routes( some may say "clutching at straws")to try and find the funding from other sources, wish me luck and if anyone knows of any obscure funding body that is itching to give money away please let me know. :'( :'( :'(

Dave Wilcox:
You have to remember at the moment that a large proportion of the money is being diverted to pay for the Olympics.

John D Smith:
Hello John,I am sorry your bid failed but knowing you as I do I am sure with your tenacity you will get there in the end.I wish you all the best in your quest.Regards John

Thanks guys for all your help and advice.
I have had one idea but I have to wait for the banks to close................... anyone good with combinations?
John BHT


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