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European Woodworking Show


John D Smith:
Hi I was unable to attend this Show this year what was it like and who went? any one got any photos to post.Regards John

Roger Groom:
Hi John
I went on the Saturday and it was a scorcher. There were large crowds, the car park was full. I enjoyed the show, as I do to all the shows I attend. There was plenty to see, especially the Japanese Cabinetmaker, Mark Hancock, Hosuluk and many others but if you did not know better you would have thought you were there last year. Everything was in identical positions. i am not knocking it, but maybe the organisers need to mix it up a bit. It is such a large and wonderful venue there is room for change. But I did enjoy it. Sorry no pictures.
Roger G

Mark Hancock:
Yes it was a great show. It gets better each year. Wasn't able to get out of the top barn much so didn't get a chance to take any photos.

Roger, I'm a bit confused by your comment "Everything was in identical positions. i am not knocking it, but maybe the organisers need to mix it up a bit. It is such a large and wonderful venue there is room for change." Yes the top barn was turning related, the bottom barn was equipment with the marquee being carving related again. The site owners won't allow the show organisers to move the barns  ;D and the marqee really needs a flattish area  :) but the exhibitors were moved around a bit from last year and there were plenty of new ones.

Hi All

We had a great time on the AWGB stand which was moved to a much better position from last year. The only adverse comment made to me during the day was that the amount of pieces on display was much less than last year. This was because we were showing off the selected pieces from the Seminar and we only had half the total number as the other half had to be sent North for shows there.

Although there was a good number of visitors because of the size and layout it was a very relaxed show with people having picnics on the lawn and just drifting round from one interesting activity to another.

Roger Groom:
Hi Mark
I most probably did not put that as best as I could. Firstly I did enjoy the show very much. It was for me, when I first walked in, de ja vu. Yes I agree, the organisers had bought in several new stands and there was good interest al round. I shall go again next year and most probably have the same feeling. Anyway, surely I was not the only forum member who attended. Lets have the opinion of a few more!!! But hey ho thats life.
Roger G


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