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Tuition ??

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I've been turning now & strictly as a Hobby, for some 7 years.

During that time & largely self taught. I have graduated from a fairly basic Record Power Lathe, onto a Nova DVR.

However, I recently fell across a barely used VB36 & a whole host of accessories. I purchased the lot & more or less expected my previous knowledge to see me into the full workings of the new equipment.

After a few attempts & with only limited success. I'd like to find some specific tuition on the VB36 Machine?? Can anyone point me to a patient Tutor Please ??

I'd quite like to have the lessons on my own machine - But fully understand the logistical difficulties involved - Still if there's any tuition within reasonable distance of the Welsh Herefordshire area PLEASE let me know??


Hi Jack,    If you try Hegner's site ...  you may find information, if not, they had a DVD on the VB 36,  I got one for the HDB 200 at Yandles show one year, it's for anyone interested in buying one really, but it shows the lathe in action, as well as making something, the VB's could explain much the same as to what can be done an how.

Cheers.        David

Andy Coates:
Hello Jack,

If Roger still owned the company he'd have probably given you some help personally. From what I hear the new owners are less than forthcoming with individual owners, having interests elsewhere in the school sector. So this leaves you with the task of locating a tutor who happens to own a VB. Two that spring to mind are Tony Walton (Suffolk), Tracy Owen (Cheshire), but I'm certain there are many more.

Is it the machine itself that you require tuition for, or turning? I don't quite understand why the machine should present use problems. Aside from the odd faceplate fixings and the sliding support arm I can't think of anything about it that would present you with problems.

Bryan Milham:
Another one in a different area is Frans Brown , Gloucester area

Hi All - Thanks for that steerage - The pointers are well noted.

Andy - I bought such a lot of accessories including Bowl Savers - Off Set Jigs - Weight Balancing Systems - & a Whole lot of Jigs, Jaws etc .

Frankly I'm probably a bit overwhelmed with it all & as such, have lost a lot of workshop enthusiasm.

Was hoping for a bit of Help & reinvigoration to get back into the Workshop & start turning this huge pile of wood that also came with the gear.

I guess through this Forum was hoping to locate a Locally based VB36 Owner ??


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