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Height of Banjo/Toolrest asembly....

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Hi Everyone, as a new Turner I was very excited to get my first lathe but rather disappointed when it came with the toolrest unable to go lower than centre. It is from a very reputable manufacturer, so eventually they sent me another rest that was 5mm shorter.
In essence that means I can can only ever work in that one position so with a tool upon the rest I am always at centre . They have said 'that is how they come' and that short margin of 'movement' is 'acceptable'. Would love to know any views out there as all the people I have ever watched turning often move their  (toolrest up and down,by say 2cm) quite frequently when working. My question to them was why then are  virtually all other lathes engineered with the toolrest/banjo of a height that can be varied but I got no answer to that !
Can I work like this or do I need to get it sorted ?? Many thanks

Philip Greenwood:

First welcome to the forum.

Which lathe do you have?. The tip of the tool should be on or above the centre height, meaning the the tool rest should be able to be placed below centre height so the tip of the tool is at centre. When i use a Skew i do rise the tool rest above centre, how much will depend on the diameter of the item being turned.

If you could post the tool rest in the banjo it may help us.


Thanks Philip
Wasnt sure if I am allowed to say the make of lathe - its a DML 36SH.
Obviously everything feels very strange at the moment  and I just feel a bit short -changed. The banjo is very stocky and so is the rest so it sits automaticlly at 5mm below centre.

Philip Greenwood:

If the tool rest sits low you can raise it up in the banjo to the height you require and lock in place with the locking handle.

If you can upload a photo it Will help, or if you give a location they could be a club or a member on here who could help you.


Paul Hannaby:
I would have thought the toolrest should go much lower than 5mm below centre. For example, if you are using a 1/2" gouge and are cutting at centre height, the tool rest would need to be much more than 5mm below centre because the tool is thicker than 5mm and it would also be held at an angle.
Are you sure the toolpost is going all the way to the bottom of the hole on the banjo? If it is, maybe the solution is to cut a bit off the bottom of the post yourself but really this shouldn't be necessary if the machine is made right.


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