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Height of Banjo/Toolrest asembly....

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Philip Greenwood:

I would recommend if you brought this lathe new to contact the retailer, and if no joy then contact Record and send the photo to them.


Dave Atkinson:

It doesn't look right to me.

As Andy says be careful for the time being.

You have two choices - buy a modular toolrest such as the sorby which is first class (as Philip suggests.  This comprises a toolpost (you'll have to measure the diameter of yours, and a then you can buy a range of rests - a 9" straight bar, 6" bar, 4" bar plus others if the fancy takes you.

Or, and this would be my first thought - create an account on the Record website

Then raise a support request.

I have done this a number of times with queries or spares requests from record and found their service first class.  Hopefully this will get it resolved.

Finally, if you didn't get it Direct from record have you gone back to the supplier?  Just having a look at the record site I wonder perhaps if you;ve got the banjo/rest for the CL3/4 which has a greater diameter over the bed?

Or and definitely finally why don;t you take your banjo and rest to a store if you have one nearby and compare with another one?

Let us know how you get on.

Cheers Dave

I've only seen one picture. Is it the flipped one referred to by Andy?
Anyway depending on the camera angle the top of the tool rest is clearly below the centre. But not a lot.
We haven't got the full story yet have we?
NT hasn't said where he got the lathe from, but noting the bits of paint knocked off the tool post and the tailstock I guess it was second hand.
Did the previous owner get fed up with it and flog it cheap?

Tony Malin

Jon Holden:
First of all let me say I am fairly new to woodturning so therefore any advice I offer should be considered personal to me. Others on this site may well not agree with me. I'm fine with that. All I can say is how I work, right or wrong, but it works for me.

I also am a member of East Surrey WT and would be very happy to help if I can. PM me if you want to talk.

Being fairly tall, I find that I have no problem with the height of my tool rest, in fact I get on better with it level with, or just above centre depending on what tool I am using. The height of your lathe could have a bearing on how comfortable you feel. I have set mine up on a bench and the centre line of the chuck is a little below my elbow. Having the tool rest too low would cause me to stoop. Which is the reason I didn't put it on it's stand in the first place. I turn pens occasionally and use a 3/4" roughing gouge and a skew and have not had any problems yet. But having said all that I think I have about 5 - 10mm between the top of the rest and centre line.

One last thought, I gave up trying to copy what it said in books and started doing what felt comfortable and worked, my only proviso is to stay safe.

So now I guess it's time I dropped my head back down below the parapet before everyone else tries to shoot it off.  :-X

Hi again all
sorry didnt look for a while as thought noone else would be replying.
Re post from Admalin it was bought brand new via a company on the web. Obviously they referred be straight back to Record.
They seemed very surpised and the toolrest you can see in gthe poic is the replacement one they sent me - paint off and all!

The saga is finished as I was getting nowhere, but it son bought me a lovely narrower toolrest for Christmas but here we go again the post is so tall it does not 'rest' on the rest - even though he asked for the short stem. Got in contact with the supplier (not bought via Record) and a rep;lace ment has come - same one again - ! Guess I'll just have to find someone to angle grind it down but find it really hard to thiunk I'm the only one out there having these problems with this particular lathe.

Anyway I am turning and having a great time

Thanks to all for your support


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