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SIP Planer Thicknesser Sprocket

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Dave Atkinson:

I have a SIP Planer Thickness 01344 but the chain sprocket is knackered and so I can't wind up the bed and consequently it won't work any longer.  The part number is 154 SIP 62513 CHAIN SPROCKET (FOR 01344 PLANER THICKNESSER).  I've emailed SIP and it's now discontinued so I can't get a new one from them.

Simply bearings do sprockets and I'm thinking of stripping it down and seeing if they can supply a replacement, but that looks a right royal pain in the you know what!  There must also be a problem somewhere causing the sprocket to wear in the  first place but quite what it would be I have no idea.  I don't use it much (and not at all now!!) and it's 12 years old.

I'm thinking of selling for spares unless anyone has a bright idea.  It would be good to get the space back as well.  Google isn't much use either!

Any thoughts, any offers to purchase for bits?

Cheers Dave

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Here is an off the wall idea Dave. Remove the cutter block and replace with a wooden one that can take abrasives and remove the sprocket gear and replace with a hinged plate and you will have yourself a drum sander. Then you can start doing segmented turning.!  ;D

Dave Atkinson:
Thanks John!  I don't think life is long enough for me to ever do segmented turning!  ;D ;D

First off do you want to save this machine?
If yes then count the no of teeth, also can you're get a good guess
Diameter for the sprocket ?
Next question is there a flange on this sprocket?

Dave Atkinson:

I think I know the number of teeth and when i get a moment (in the next 3 months) I'll strip it down.  I may be able to get one from Simply bearings and I also have an offer from a pal of a pal to make me a replacement.

It's a job I will get round to over the next few weeks.

Thanks for replying.

Cheers Dave


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