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Morning All,

As you know I'm a new boy (Not even started yet) and, I'm trying to either buy a refurbished Graduate or have one of the 2 I've got refurbished and sell the other one.

I'm wondering how dificult is it to spend money on this hobby ? The reason being is that nobody seems to want to take my money ! Phone messages are not returned e-mails remain unanswered, the whole 'industry' seems not to bother !

Is it me ?  :'(

I wonder if I should take up knitting, as trying to start woodturning is like knitting fog !

Moan over .

Bob  :(

Bryan Milham:
Wait until you have a working lathe, then you'll see how easy it is to spend money.

Wood, you'd think it didn't grow on tree's!
Tools Do you really want the lastest one - no he says (while nodding his head).

However I've always refurbbed my lathes myself (though buying a new one now)
Have you looked on e-Bay (Search Woodturning Lathes) there is normally plenty of adverts for Graduates or for variable speed kits suitable for Graduates - but they cost.

As for knitting fog - the first 200 times your skew bites, you might wish you'd taken it up as an easier hobby!

Roger Groom:
Hi Bob
Have you tried I have bought off them several times and always found them very helpfull. It all depends what level of refurbishment your Graduate needs (or you think it needs). I have changed both bearings, and the spindle in my lathe, and it is well within the capabilty of most people. Get yourself the variable speed kit (which includes a new motor) and you will have a fabulous machine for around £450-500. If you go along this route, a little tip, fit a spare belt over the spindle to save you having to remove the bearings should the belt break (very unlikely.) Look forward to seeing how you get on.
Roger G

Hello Bob,
             surely from the 2 lathes you can get one working. Forget the vari-speed for the time being it's only a luxury item and you will need all your money for the really important luxury items like tools and glue and abrasive and chucks and wood and more wood and tools and finishes and wood and.............
    You'll spend it all eventually!
John BHT :D

Hi Bob,   I've been buying equipment and tools since 96 and still always think I need something else, always a new tool, finish or sandpaper out there that your told you need, can do without or just have too have..   ;D ...  it's the job can't be done without it ...   :o ...  it will be on going, it's not dificult to your spend money on this hobby, but all you need are just 5 basic hand tools to start turning, there list in a post on here, have a hunt, as you wait for the calls back.

Can you make 1 out of the 2 lathes you have ...   ??? ..  you've not been clear ...   just what other equipment for the lathe/s do you have or are in need of ..

Cheers.        David


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