Author Topic: Wall decoration  (Read 5511 times)

Offline GBF

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2017, 10:36:23 PM »

So in other words: Be nice and don't step on any toes, and you'll get useful feedback. Be honest and ruffle feathers, and you get hammered. I thought we all had agreed some while ago to rather be honest with each other?

Whether intentional or not some of your comments lately have come over as aragant and quite condescending .I am probably as guilty as you about the way I put things over I just say it as I see it and maybe we should all think more before putting our thoughts on here.
I am sure if nothing else you are honest and like myself have no intention of causing offence.
Yes I think we should be honest with each other.
I at times get hammered on here as I am not the most popular member but that does not really bother me.

I think as long as they are disliking me they are leaving someone else alone LOL

Regards George


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Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2017, 10:44:49 PM »
One of the main problems with online communication is perhaps all we see is the words in front of us. Some of us are more diplomatic in the way we phrase things, others are blunt and to the point. I know some of the people here more personally so know where they are coming from and others I don't so perhaps would be more inclined to take things said personally. Honesty is fine but we do need to be perhaps a bit more aware of what lies behind the words, I have a sarcastic sense of humour which is fine for those that know me but could sound offensive to those who don't. Also we can all be touchy about the things that we create and react when we don't like what we hear, No-one on here that I know says things deliberately to offend, hurt or annoy, and we all need to learn to perhaps accept that 99% of criticism is meant to be hoonest and helpful.

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Offline georg

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2017, 02:18:13 PM »

  Enough as been already said about  Reap what you Sow on other comments..... Personally we have to say we like the
  affect you have achieved on this piece... Question? was the natural wood part added separately.
  Regards Tony di
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Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2017, 05:06:06 PM »
No, this is all one piece of wood. The centre is not actually a bowl, it's domed, just in case anybody was wondering. I had the turned shape lying around the workshop for some time before I could make up my mind what to do with it, so this is not actually from a design, this is the result of just letting my intuition flow.

I think I'll leave this one as it is, and try another one, very similar, but with an orangey colour scheme. That should suit the ash wood a lot better. And I think it also needs to be brighter, something several comments are referring to and I do agree with that.

Offline Mark Sanger

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2017, 05:48:56 PM »
Found this thread this morning early, but have been busy today so not been able to comment as I always like to think about what to say but then I go get lost in my own mind and run out of time.

I really like this piece, despite your reservations about the colouring, I keep coming back to it. Again the time I have now would not do justice to what I would want to get across.

Never the less I see a lot of depth and scope for this minus the ash/natural wood insert, again not the time to clarify my thoughts on this. They are after all only my thoughts.

don't drop this idea,

all the best Mark

Offline Wood spinner

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2017, 03:46:58 PM »
This is somthing very different , I've not seen one like it before , Looks like lots of work went into the carving
Re the lighting , you have directional light running across the piece that should pick out shadow detail ( Texture )
Colour ( Black ) you chose to be different , Well done  ;)

Offline Dancie

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2017, 07:04:07 AM »
I think it would be nicer if it was black throughout and either gloss or matt throughout - I can see that a lot of work went into this
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Offline Bryan Milham

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2017, 01:06:15 PM »

maybe it's my years of playing tabletop games, but I see this as a map, the grain forming the hill contours and the central textured area as a river running through. The lighter carved area is a fortified wall around something.

I like it and irrespective of anything else the work and execution of the piece is excellent.
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Offline fuzzyturns

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2017, 05:09:42 PM »
Thank you very much for the recent, encouraging comments. I already have another 2-3 iterations of this in the works, but it will need some time for them to get finished. At the moment, house renovation takes priority, so I am not getting a lot of workshop time.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Wall decoration
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2017, 06:00:07 PM »
Fuzzy I will not comment on the photography as i can do no better myself. The work is to say the least interesting. Personally the blue does not work for me and I wonder if an irredescent blue would give it a lift. Interesting that the centre is domed, if I hadn't seen the side photograph I would not have know.So an illusion has already taken place, I think it would be more interesting if the piece in the centre was undercut and hollowed. I feel that the decoration around the centre is well done but I also think it may be too wide. If we do not try these things and ask others for their opinion we will never know if we are progressing. Negative comments should, in my very humble opinion, be taken as constructive. keep up the good work.