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Magic wand for a very special witch

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Bryan Milham:

--- Quote from: Katchin on February 14, 2012, 11:09:02 PM ---And yes, I couldn't watch longer than a minute!

--- End quote ---

Neither could I - the man is dangerous. would not be surprised to find he can't count to 10 within a year or so! Yech!

I think 'Self taught Idiot' sums it up for me.

It's his 9yr old son if it's him filming and watching his father that I feel sorry for what a way to learn ...  the wrong and most dangerous way ...  the lad would be kicked out of wood shop if he tried that at School ..  maybe it's the norm in the States.   :o ..   Was he actually using a skew ..   ???  it takes watching too be sure.  He went so far as to say his son sanded it to finish, wonder how.

A look through some of the videos posted show some very dangerous and mindless behavior, like a lathe run off the drive axle of their vehicle and the sharpened end of a piece of box section as a cutting tool ...  Canada if I recall, not one to post.



I hid behind the sofa.

Don't mince your words George,say exactly what you mean. ;D ;D
John BHT

Tim Pettigrew:
If you thought that was bad then what about these :o

Have flagged them as inappropriate on the basis that anyone emulating this risks serious injury.



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