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Audio/visual equipment

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Hello all,
           the "old hands" on this forum will remember that a lifetime ago I posted a query about audio/visual equipment. Well the good news is, following a town council grant to top up our funds, we have now been able to purchase the badly needed kit.
  So assuming I can understand the instructions we should be up and running very soon. I guess now I will have to have a manicure before doing a demo at the club! :D
 Due to my lack of understanding about this equipment,( I think it's an age thing)and despite various people trying to help explain it all to me ,I struggled with the technicality of the whole shabang. Eventually I was steered to a supplier by a lecturer at the local college . I was then able to explain exactly what I wanted and the company in question sorted out the package for me. So I am now a very happy bunny  ;D ;D


Well done on getting the kit, now it's just a case too hop to it ...    ;D ...  I know not very bunny ...   :D ...


John D Smith:
Well done John in getting the equipment you wanted. One tip from me make sure there is more than one Member who knows how to put it all together and are able to use it.There is nothing worse than having a Demo and the only person that knows how it all works doesn't turn up.
                                                     Regards John

Thanks David.Hi John, it's a good point you have raised because I have memories of turning up at a club to demo and no-one knowing how to set the stuff up. It is my intention to get all of the committee  familiar with the set up but also to get 5 or so club members proficient in it's use too. Of cause the first thing to do is learn how to use it myself!!
       If there are any others out there that would like the information on purchasing PM me and I will send you the details. Unless of course I am allowed to advertise? Andy?
John BHT

Andy Coates:
of course you can...go ahead!


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