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Disabled Turners

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Being involved with a disabled workshop,and not doing any turning myself due to a bad bout of pneumonia,I took this photo of a desk tidy,which realy impressed me, bearing in mind the chappie who turned it has the use of only one arm.I think he got the idea from the woodturning mag.I take to them to read after I have read them.This realy brought home to me there is life after a major illness.

John D Smith:
Hi skewman,I think this is a lovely piece of work we can only admire the work of anyone with such a disability.Well done to him.Regards John

Could someone rotate the Photograph?

Bryan Milham:
Rotated as requested.

Looks like a nice job, I'll be the owner is proud of himself.

Very nice indeed, the first picture has just given me an idea for wall art!

That is some excellent work, the gentleman has done well.

Thank you,           David


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