Author Topic: AWGB Committee  (Read 2011 times)

Offline John D Smith

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AWGB Committee
« on: April 19, 2019, 07:41:24 PM »

 What is going on within the AWGB Organisation it seems Members are taking on the positions of Committee members and then not lasting very long before Resigning can anyone throw any light on this.

                                                Regards John
John Smith

Offline burywoodturners

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Re: AWGB Committee
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2019, 07:48:29 PM »
It could be tha the AWGB is the victimof its own success, people take on a role on the committee without realising the amount of work it involves.
This is especially true of the treasurer and the membership secretary.

Offline John D Smith

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Re: AWGB Committee
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2019, 08:21:51 PM »
 Hi Ron,
           I agree with you about the two Committee positions you have mentioned they are very intense especially at the beginning of the year getting Subs sorted & preparing the Accounts I just wish Members would pay their fees promptly I am
still chasing about 8 members for their fees out of 65 members. I am also Resigning my Club Committee positions at the AGM in January 2020 after 22 years doing both Secretary & Treasurer with Events Secretary thrown in for a couple years we have asked for volunteers to come forward to fill these Committee  positions but no success so far.

                                              Regards John
John Smith

Offline Derek

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Re: AWGB Committee
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2019, 09:47:24 PM »

 Hi Ron,
           I agree with you about the two Committee positions you have mentioned they are very intense especially at the beginning of the year getting Subs sorted & preparing the Accounts I just wish Members would pay their fees promptly I am
still chasing about 8 members for their fees out of 65 members. I am also Resigning my Club Committee positions at the AGM in January 2020 after 22 years doing both Secretary & Treasurer with Events Secretary thrown in for a couple years we have asked for volunteers to come forward to fill these Committee  positions but no success so far.

                                              Regards John

This is the same with many clubs, not just woodturning. I was on the committee of a club but no one wanted to step up for any position I did my stint for 14 years and in the end just said that is it whether you have someone or not.
Having learnt my lesson I do not step forward anymore for any club

Offline John Plater

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Re: AWGB Committee
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2019, 10:03:32 AM »
I too have not volunteered for anything after a less than comfortable experience in the past. I am always supportive of those who choose to step up though some might do for the wrong reasons and that can be uncomfortable too. I am a happy foot soldier and will remain so until I move away. One thing that I think any post holder ought to do and yes, it is an extra burden, is to write a job description to include the number of hours spent. Maybe the subs need to be higher so that administrative help can be bought in ? That way responsibility and accountability might be enforced where necessary.
ATB John
If I had a better lathe, I would be able to show my ineptitude more effectively.

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: AWGB Committee
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2019, 11:26:12 PM »
If we raised the subs enough to pay for even a fraction of the work that is undertaken, most of our members would leave!

Most of the resignations announced in conjunction with the AGM were in the pipeline  for a few months. They are due to a variety of reasons including changes in personal circumstances, changes in workload and as previously mentioned - realising the role took up more hours than envisaged. Most of those leaving will still be helping out in some capacity so we haven't lost them completely.

We have  some volunteers in the pipeline to fill some of the vacancies but there are still more volunteers needed. We can often fit a role around a person's availability so if you have the time to spare, contact me and we might be able to put your skills to good use!