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New to turning, Tools ?

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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Halfsqot2 on December 04, 2019, 11:41:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: GBF on December 04, 2019, 11:18:21 PM ---Where do you live and what is your budget   Regards George

--- End quote ---
As i said i do have a woodturning place near me on the AWGB website and ive been today but didnt seem very helpful.
budget would be 500-800 i think ?

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Arrive early, chat let people know you are new and looking for a helping hand, many club meets are centred around the demo leaving little space for introductions. If you say where you are probably find you can start chatting on this forum as we are from all over the place.

Wood spinner:
Hi Callum and welcome

One thing to remember , You cant just walk into a Club and exspect all the established member to drop everything and concentrate on you , Take your time , Get to know the members and become part of the Club
I would hold off buying a lathe for now until you are sure turning is for you , Book a few leasons with a pro turner and see how you get on , Then if you are sure its what you want to pursue , Then buy you kit , Buy cheap = buy twice
Best off buying used and some ]time you will see a add for turning kit being sold re changing hobbies , Berevment sales etc

Have fun


--- Quote from: Halfsqot2 on December 04, 2019, 11:41:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: GBF on December 04, 2019, 11:18:21 PM ---Where do you live and what is your budget   Regards George

--- End quote ---
As i said i do have a woodturning place near me on the AWGB website and ive been today but didnt seem very helpful.
budget would be 500-800 i think ?

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I do not understand why Members seem reluctant to say where the live it would be helpful to know as somebody near by might be able to help you

Regards George

The Bowler Hatted Turner:

--- Quote from: GBF on December 05, 2019, 08:14:10 AM ---
--- Quote from: Halfsqot2 on December 04, 2019, 11:41:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: GBF on December 04, 2019, 11:18:21 PM ---Where do you live and what is your budget   Regards George

--- End quote ---
As i said i do have a woodturning place near me on the AWGB website and ive been today but didnt seem very helpful.
budget would be 500-800 i think ?

--- End quote ---

I do not understand why Members seem reluctant to say where the live it would be helpful to know as somebody near by might be able to help you

Regards George

--- End quote ---
I agree with this George, no need to give out your address but a county or town would be useful.
Callum if you look on the forsale posts on this website very often there is plenty of tools and machines to get you started. The reasoning behind asking your budget is most of us realised as time went on that we should have invested a bit more wisely than we did. I would say to you, when you get to buying your tools buy the best you can afford.

As said a general location would help ius help you as would a basic budget. Also, as said, buy quality rather than quantity. You can manage a lot with just a few tools and a decent lathe. Cheap tools and equipment will just frustrate you.


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