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Sounding bowls

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Tim Pettigrew:
You might be better off making some Blues Bowls which are  Andrew Hall's speciality.  There is certainly no copyright issues making those...

Les Symonds:

--- Quote from: GBF on February 07, 2020, 05:24:07 PM ---
--- Quote from: Les Symonds on February 07, 2020, 03:45:34 PM ---Tobias is very clear on this MUST NOT make them for sale. Tobias did all the groundwork and fine-honed the designs, which are fully registered in his name.  It is a well patented product!


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That is true Les but I do not understand how someone can demonstrate and teach someone how to make something and then say if you make one and try to sell it i will take you to Court.

Regards George

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Good morning George....I wasn't aware that Tobias did demos on how to make them, but I guess that it comes down to the fact that anyone can make one for themselves, but the moment that you make one for a third party, and money changes hands, then you are in breach of copyright.

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Les Symonds on February 08, 2020, 05:56:10 AM ---
Good morning George....I wasn't aware that Tobias did demos on how to make them, but I guess that it comes down to the fact that anyone can make one for themselves, but the moment that you make one for a third party, and money changes hands, then you are in breach of copyright.

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Copyright would not protect this from being made and sold, no more than you can copyright a bowl or a vessel, patent would, as long as it is still in force, typically they expire after 20 years, and drawings could be copyright until 70 years after the death of the creator, but not a made object. Morally right is another matter.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
If you read the article carefully you will find certain elements that could be changed to ensure you are not copying someone else's concept. However I do know that Tobias has issued a licence to some turners and has been very helpful to them during construction. Bertilak why not get in touch with Tobias and ask him?

Thanks folks! I woke in the middle of last night with a blinding revelation, not quite Saul on a donkey but pretty good for me. I used to make backpacking mandolins and I still have some gorgeous Alpine Spruce I used for bellies. I'll use these, turn them circular, carve a nice rose and glue them into a recess (in effect to make a cover for the bowl), and set up a boxwood or sycamore bridge. I can use the brass screws as anchors and nuts and tune them with wrest pins. I read Tobias's statement and I respect and value all the work he did to develop the bowls. My solution is completely different from his work so I feel morally vindicated! I'll post a picture or two and maybe a video when I've done one. Thanks again!


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