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Record power Dml305


Hello all hope someone is able to help with a measurement on the lathe. I am buying one shortly and am currently making a bench for it but want to know what is the distance from centre point to the bottom where it would sit on the bench ?
thanks in advance 

Philip Green:

Suggest including some packing under each end of the lathe to raise it off the bench to make it easier to remove the shavings from under the lathe bed.

Great little lathe. I've had mine for nine years and it is still going strong and very versatile now that I have added a Speed Genie to give it a variable speed capability.

You can get the full manual from RPT Down load it free from their web site


--- Quote from: burywoodturners on February 23, 2020, 05:11:14 PM ---You can get the full manual from RPT Down load it free from their web site

--- End quote ---

Whenever I’ve tried that RPT always want me to login or set up an account. Luckily there seem to be quite a few other websites that have RPT manuals to download.

I can’t seem to see a measurement from the centre to the bottom of the feet though?

Thank you for the information.


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