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want to talk turning?

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Being on the forum is really valuable for anyone wanting to discuss a specific subject but probably not so useful if all you need is a good old fashioned chinwag, normally this need is catered for at the regular club meeting..... probably over a cuppa-and-biscuit combo! Now, however, in these strange times of lockdown, I'm wondering how many isolated woodies are beginning to miss this healthy interaction.

Just in case my theory is correct I would like to throw out 2 invitations.
1)  To anyone out there in Woodyland who just wants to talk turning, share knowledge in either direction, generally chew the fat or even just blow raspberries at someone other than Boris for a change, drop me a PM, with an email address if you like (if you are concerned about security open a new address specifically for this purpose, which you can then discard when things return to normal, and, of course, dont share other contact details). Come on, don't be shy, just go for it, I'm happy to conflab on any woody-based subject.... or even no subject at all!
2)  I would also invite others reading this to join me and make a similar offer so that such folk have the choice of who they conflab with and whether a pen-pal style of contact is favoured over, perhaps, having a yarn with someone different as often as they fancy.

Please give it a little thought

In these unprecedented times I’m quite surprised at the lack of new content on many forums. As I have extra time on my hands I’ve been posting more than I might normally but other folks are not for some reason? Quite why this is, is a mystery to me. I’ve also been phoning folks for a chat more often but not getting many return calls?

Possibly because there are dozens of wood turning and woodworking sections on social media and many prefer those. If you look at the number of views and the number of responses to posts on nere it gets disheartening quite frankly and much easier to get a response on social media. Not just here, true of many of these forums which I believe are slowly dying as their raison d'etre is overtaken by other forms of communication.


We are going down uncharted waters but I do think it is important to keep in touch, especially with our own local club members as perhaps the majority in a club fit into the over 70 bracket and may be some with underlying issues .  Whilst social media is fine if you are on it,  but nothing beats a chat on the telephone, perhaps only every couple of weeks as its going to be a long haul.  I am a member of the AAW and it amazing what they are putting out very regularly even with project to make you smile. 

There are several apps which allow video conferencing our family currently uses "Houseparty" it is a great way to interact whilst adhering to the guidelines. We could arrange a weekly club meeting or similar.


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