General Category > General Discussion

Anybody there?

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This and other forums seem to have died the death, surely in these difficult times, we need to keep in contact with each other. Can we post some goodwill messages, for some it maybe the only contact with the rest of the world

Twisted Trees:
Hi Ron

It is strangely quiet I guess everyone is out tidying up their workshops or cutting off-cuts into shavings. I have been working on improving my finishing and seeing how deep a pile of shavings I can still work in before needing to sweep up (mid calf).

I am also playing a lot more with design, there is not much of a market for finished pieces at the moment though I have posted a couple of commissions out this week, I don't want to make much my competition entry for the club monthly competition for March is sitting sadly on the dining table at the moment wondering if the club will happen again in this uncertain world, and if it does will Chris post the same criteria or is it to be a forgotten piece destined for the back of a cupboard forgotten and unloved!

I do hope all my fellow turners are keeping safe and sane out there, have enough timber in stock to stay busy, hey if not did you really need 4 legs on that dining table? or perhaps it could be 100mm shorter....

Hope these forums do pick up, it is hard to make anything out of tumble weed....

what's there to talk about????

i can only talk about what i know and as soon as i start mentioning species of timber and all their properties or where they come from peoples eyes start to glaze over.

everyone would be asleep in minutes...

If you are really bored you can look at my Blog I am part way through making an Ash Coffee Table.I have done a WIP on it no turning involved but you might find it interesting
If you look back through the history there is a lot of info on all sorts of things going back about ten years or more.
If you find it interesting let me know

Regards George

I have not produced much as been busy preparing the garden and greenhouse for the veg which is something I do every year. I am trying to cut out some musical notes for a bowl project but came to a grinding halt when I managed to break three blades in a single day and now waiting for an order to come in. And then there is the voice telling me that the mower needs repairing as SWMBO wants to cut the front lawn, so that was done very quickly. While she does that I will sit in the greenhouse and talk to the seedlings out of her way.
Tomorrow will sit and watch Ed Oliver demonstrate


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