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Anybody there?

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i'll stick to the Acer genus then as the grain line and the knot at the back of the bowl all look like you see in the maples rather than the birches.

" . . . needed to do a polish job on a bowl of that sort of size for an online course"

Hi TT, do you mind if I ask what the course is? Do you have a link to it?

Twisted Trees:
It was the Hampshire Sheen Live Stream course, that one was last week but he is back on tonight doing a live stream on the Robert Sorby ProEdge.,

Also Just learned that Axminster Tools are also doing them in YouTube.Com search for #SkillCentreAtHome, not watched any yet but got to be worth a look at some point.

There are other Demonstrators out there who as they can't get to shops and clubs are trying things online, it helps to fill the time and in my opinion is far better than East Enders if that is still going...



--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on April 07, 2020, 11:43:53 AM ---It was the Hampshire Sheen Live Stream course, that one was last week but he is back on tonight doing a live stream on the Robert Sorby ProEdge.,

Also Just learned that Axminster Tools are also doing them in YouTube.Com search for #SkillCentreAtHome, not watched any yet but got to be worth a look at some point.

There are other Demonstrators out there who as they can't get to shops and clubs are trying things online, it helps to fill the time and in my opinion is far better than East Enders if that is still going...

--- End quote ---
Sadly it still is!


The light pull tree, I will grow another one next year If I can get the seeds!


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