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deep sanding.

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Thanks, I never thought of doing it that way. Makes sense to use the lathe.

Firstly I would say try and get your turning as clean as possible with sharp and adequate hollowing tools. I realize that depending on the shape and wood in question, this may be a challenge. Secondly wherever possible, use a long flat bar tool rest to reach into the opening and scrape with a freshly sharpened scraper. Finally, I have had very good results with the long handle sanding arbor from Simon Hope. You can put a small arbor on top of the handle (for the bottom) and adjust the angle. This will work down to diameters of around one inch. Smaller than that, and its back to sticks with velcro.

What hollowing tools would you make sure to have in a situation like this, Fuzzyturns?

Twisted Trees:
If you have a small opening 80 grit is more than enough for anything beyond finger length, only you will know ;)

I will have a look at the Hope one. I use an axminster but it is quite bulky but need to investigate a long bar.


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