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Woodturning Magazine

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John D Smith:

    Waiting for your copy of the Woodturning Magazine to drop through your letter box well I understand the issue that was due on the 16th April will now be 30th April
                                                    Regards John

Wood spinner:
 ;D,,,,The suspence will be killing me , How many adverts in this issue  ;D


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on April 15, 2020, 07:53:18 PM --- ;D,,,,The suspence will be killing me , How many adverts in this issue  ;D

--- End quote ---
Hopefully enough to make it viable for publishing.


Wood spinner:
Anyone know when the next issue is due ? Last one was 2 weeks late

If this one is 2 weeks late do we only get 11 issues instead of 12

Philip Green:
According to their web site, publication date is now the 11th of June.


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