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Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Duncan A on April 18, 2020, 08:51:01 PM ---and what on earth is claimed wood?

--- End quote ---

It means the gallery can't be sued if the wood is not what they said. It is often a good idea to add "I think" or "probably" to a timber

Paul Hannaby:
I thought in the context used, they meant the turner had processed the wood from raw, as opposed to reclaimed wood where it was recovered/recycled. Galleries are a bit like estate agents when it comes to inventive language!

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I do not wish to court controversy here but it appears that those that cannot believe the prices asked for are mainly those that do not turn for a living, and therein lies one of the biggest problems of the professional turner. Hobby turners can take as long as they want to make a piece and sell it just to cover the cost of the timber in order to maintain their hobby whereas professional turners do not have that luxury.
  Some hobby turners do produce top quality work and in my humble opinion if they have put the work in to produce a quality piece they can sell for what they want. Others however that cannot be bothered to advance their skills and make quality items should ne be allowed to sell.
The piece in this item was made by a talented turner and if it is being sold by a gallery it is the gallery that sets the ( Final) price.We should applaud the maker for having a piece that attracts such a premium.

John Plater:
I think that the turner's other work suggests to me that his/her pricing strategy is reasonable and realistic. This nest is significantly higher priced than the other pieces seen but the asking price would rise exponentially by the time the gallery commission is included. Burr Elm can command a high price and the initial lump may have cost a lot. Anyone who is non plussed by the price of this piece has not seen other pieces of comparable merit in galleries with an asking price several times as large.
Like Pete, I have written about pricing work based on my few years of turning experience. I have my own system which works for me but underlying that is the notion that I value the need to place woodturning in a realistic context and not to de-value the work of other professional woodturners as well as the time, experience and cost which has gone into a piece.
ATB John

Twisted Trees:
I don't think there is a problem with the gallery price, well I don't have a problem with it anyway, just a bit surprised to see it on Ebay. I do have to say yes there is a problem with turners under pricing their work, but when Ikea does a 12" wooden bowl for under £20 no matter how crap it is it hurts all pricing.


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